Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quick Post: An Admission of Love

Many of you know of my obsession with grilled cheese. I even spoke of at one point opening a grilled cheese sandwich shop.

But this is not about my love for grilled cheese. It is an admission of love...for Mark Bittman.

I pretty much adore everything he does. As I've mentioned before, even if it's something I will never try, his attitude is so attractive that I will scan the recipe, read the article, or watch the video.

Here my obsession meets my love: One of Bittman's Videos entitled, Actually Grilled Cheese.

This is 2:24 minutes (with an additional 15-20 seconds for the lead in ad) of Bittman's dry wit (he suggests adding mustard, pesto, ben gay or sunscreen to the sandwich) and his simplistic yet brilliant food ideas.

I am in love once again.


Heather and Martin said...

Love it, love him, loved all "101 Reasons to Light the Grill" in today's NYT.

CraftMafia said...

I'm going home to Bklyn this weekend - my mom already cut out the article and put it on my bedside table. Besides, they recently had a family vote and got rid of their grill, while I now have a boyfriend who is rather handy around such a device. Clearly that article needs to live in Austin, not Bklyn. :-)