Monday, September 11, 2017

A reboot, perhaps

Lately, I've been missing a few things. And by lately, I mean the past 3-4 years. And by a few things, I really mean two in particular: 1) writing and 2) cooking.

This is not to say that I haven't been doing either. Writing, however, has been almost exclusively work emails and the like. Cooking has remained more creative, but my darling husband (an official addition since my last post in December 2012) also enjoys cooking, and, frankly, he has done the majority of the food purchasing and preparing. And then there was the other addition, our son, who arrived in 2015. Needless to say, my free time has dwindled with him at my knees.

But two things have changed in the last 10 months: I got a new job where I work from home every day, and I got an Instant Pot. These two things have allowed me some creativity and flexibility when cooking, which is, in turn, inspiring me to document it more. I never stopped taking pictures of our particularly successful meals, but as of right now, they just sit in my phone ... for posterity, I guess.

My husband will continue to cook, and I will continue to enjoy his endeavors. But I am hoping to write one post per month (keeping with my average pace from 2012), and if an extra one pops in here from time to time, that'd be great. For each post, there will be a new recipe that I have tried, whether original to me or modified from another cook. There will also be pictures and a "review" by me and/or my husband.

If our 2 year old dares to try it, I'll include his review as well. But unless it's strawberries, granola, or almond butter with honey on a banana, I'm not holding out much hope.

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